The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet exudes a bright beauty and bold sophistication to send your sweetest wishes to friends and family near and far. Hot pink roses, carnations, mini carnations and gerbera daisies are accented with brilliant blue iris and lush greens to create a fascinating flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass cylinder vase lined with a ti leaf green material to give it an elegant and finished look, this gorgeous bouquet is set to make that perfect impression in honor of a
As Shown: Flowers will be arranged approximately as shown on the image on our website.
Deluxe: Flowers will be more and larger than shown.
Premium: Premium orders contain more blooms and are designed with even higher-quality flower varieties.
Royal: Impress them with this Royal size of your selected flowers. WOW factor!
Plant or dish garden upgrades feature larger (or more) plants than what is shown on the website and/or will be in a more decorative container.