The Meaning of Flower Names

The Meaning of Flowers and Names

Flowers are an integral part of many special occasions. Ever thought about the names of flowers and their meanings? And what about the vibrant-colored, eye-catching wild flowers that catch our fancy every time we pass a florist shop? In fact, there are different kinds of flowers that we come across in our day-to-day life, but we hardly know their names. Each of these fragile blooms also have a specific meaning and they are significant in their own way. This is evident from the fact that flowers are an integral part of every celebration. They grace every special occasion in the true sense of the term.

Flowers have been associated with various names, meanings and symbols since time immemorial. Each flower bears a meaning and has a unique symbol. Some flowers convey good wishes, some show solemn sympathy, while some simply say, "I love you." Indeed, flower meanings evince all kinds of sentiments and the pretty blooms can express what words cannot. Hence, if you have an idea about flower names and meanings, you can express yourself in a 'flowery' way.

When it comes to naming flowers, we can say that they are classified in the same manner as other plants. To put in simple words, each of the different flower types has two names - common name and scientific name (or Latin name). The common names may vary according to the language and region, while the scientific names of flower are accepted throughout the world. At times, two flowers that look similar may bear the same nickname or common name. Or else, a single flower specimen may have two different common names within the same region. In order to avoid this confusion, scientific names are given according to the ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature).

The ICBN follows binomial system of taxonomy for assigning scientific flower names, which in turn uses two words for naming flowers. The first word is the genus name (genera to which the flower belongs) and the second word is a species name. For better understanding, let's take an example of China roses, which scientific name is Rosa chinensis. Here, 'China' is the genus name and 'chinensis' is the species name. In some scientific names, author citations, in abbreviated forms, are used after the species name. For example, the scientific name with author citation for Damask rose is Rosa damascena Mill., wherein Mill is the abbreviated form of the botanist Philip Miller. He had published the scientific name of Damask rose for the first time according to the rules and regulations of the ICBN. This article sheds light on the list of flower names, their meanings, and pictures.
Flower Images Flower Name Flower Meaning Scientific Name
abutilon Abutilon Meditation Abutilon hybridum
acacia Acacia (Rose, White) Friendship, Elegance Acacia sp.
acacia Acacia (Yellow) Concealed love Acacia sp.
acanthus Acanthus Fine arts, Artifice Acanthus mollis
Achillea Achillea State of war Achillea sp.
aconite Aconite (Monkshood) Hatred, Misanthropy words, Be cautious Eranthus hyemalis
adams-needle Adam's Needle Best friends Yucca filamentosa L.
adonis Adonis Patience, Humility, Sad memories Adonis vernalis
Agrimony Gratitude Agrimonia eupatoria
Alliums Alliums Patience, Unity, Humility Allium ampeloprasum
almond-blossom Almond Blossom Hope, Contemplation Prunus dulcis
aloe Aloe Sorrow, Grief Aloe barbadensis
alstroemenia Alstroemeria Wealth, Devotion, Friendship Gomphrena globosa
amaranth Amaranth (Globe) Immortal love Gomphrena globosa
amaryllis Amaryllis Splendid beauty Amaryllis belladonna
Ambrosia Reciprocated love Ambrosia artemisiifolia
anemone Anemone Fragile, Anticipation Anemone vitifolia
angelica Angelica Inspiration Angelica archangelica
anthurium Anthurium Hospitality Malus domestica
apple-blossom Apple Blossom Hope, Good fortune Malus domestica
apricot-blossom Apricot Blossom Diffident love Prunus armeniaca
arbor-vitae Arbor Vitae True friendship Thuja occidentalis
arbutus Arbutus I love thee only Epigaea repens
asphodel Asphodel Regret, Lassitude Asphodelus fistulosus
aster Aster Love, Contentment, Patience Aster sp.
azalea Azalea Fragile, Patience, Chinese symbol for womanhood Rhododendron atlanticum
babys-breath Baby's Breath Innocence, Gladness Gypsophila paniculata
bachelor-button Bachelor Button (Bluebottle, Cornflower) Celibacy, Anticipation, Delicacy, Perfection Centaurea cyanus
Balm Sympathy Melissa officinalis
balsam Balsam (Impatiens) Impatience Impatiens balsamina
barberry Barberry Hot temperament Berberis thunbergii
bay-wreath Bay Wreath Glory, Reward for goodness Laurus nobilis
begonia Begonia Be cautious, Deep thinking Begonia x tuberhybrida
Bells of Ireland Good luck, Best wishes Moluccella laevis
bellwort Bellwort Hopelessness Uvularia grandiflora
Betony Surprise Stachys officinalis
bindweed Bindweed (Convolvulus) Philander, Quidnunc, Perseverance Calystegia sepium
bird-of-paradise Bird of Paradise Festivity, Celebration Strelitzia reginae
Bittersweet Flower Truth, Fact Solanum dulcamara
black-eyed-susan Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Encouragement, Motivation, Impartiality Rudbeckia hirta
blackthorn Blackthorn (Sloe) Asceticism, Difficulty Prunus spinosa
blue-bell Blue Bell (Harebell, Campanula) Constancy, Never ending love, Gratitude, Appreciation Hyacinthoides hispanica
Bouvardia Excitement, Enthusiasm Bouvardia ternifolia
burdock Burdock Boredom, Importunity Arctium tomentosum
buttercup Buttercup Childishness Ranunculus repens
butterfly-weed Butterfly Weed Leave me Asclepias tuberosa
cactus Cactus Maternal affection and love Echinopsis spachiana
caladium Caladium Leaves Ravish, Joyfulness Caladium bicolor
calendula Calendula (Pot marigold) Happiness Calendula arvensis
Calycanthus Benevolence Calycanthus floridus
camelia Camellia (White) Adorable, Lovable Camellia japonica, Camellia sp.
camelia Camellia (Pink) Strong desire Camellia japonica, Camellia sp.
camelia Camellia (Red) Excellence, Perfection Camellia japonica, Camellia sp.
camomile Chamomile (or Camomile) Enterprisingness, Energy in adversity Anthemis nobilis
candytuft Candytuft (Iberis) Indifference Iberis sempervirens
cardinal-flower Cardinal Flower Eminence Lobelia cardinalis
carnation Carnation (White) Sweetness, Innocence, Pure love Dianthus sp.
carnation Carnation (Yellow) Disdain, Rejection Dianthus sp.
carnation Carnation (Pink) Unforgettable, Woman's love Dianthus sp.
carnation Carnation (Red) Admiration Dianthus sp.
carnation (Purple) Carnation (Purple) Unpredictability, Changeable Dianthus sp.
carnation Carnation (Striped) Rejected love Dianthus sp.
cattail Cattail Prosperity, Peacefulness Typha latifolia
cedar-leaf Cedar Leaf Think of me Cedrus sp.
celandine Celandine (Lesser) Forthcoming joys Ranunculus ficaria
cherry-blossom Cherry Blossom Good education, Spiritual beauty Prunus sp.
chestnut-flower Chestnut Flower Seek justice Castanea sativa
chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum (Bronze) Excitement Chrysanthemum sp.
chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum (General) Cheerfulness, Optimism, Wonderful friend, With love Chrysanthemum sp.
chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum (Red) Love, Affection Chrysanthemum sp.
chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum (Yellow) Slighted love Chrysanthemum sp.
chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum (White) Trueness Chrysanthemum sp.
Cinnamon Beauty Cinnamomum verum
clematis Clematis Ingenuity Clematis caracasana
clove Clove Dignity Syzygium aromaticum
clover Clover (Four leafed) Good luck Trifolium sp.
Clover (Five leafed) Bad luck Trifolium sp.
Clover (White flower) Think of me Trifolium repens
cockscomb Cockscomb Silliness, Absurdity Celosia spicata
coltsfoot Coltsfoot Maternal care Tussilago farfara
columbine Columbine Deserted love Aquilegia sibirica
coreopsis Coreopsis Cheerful Coreopsis gladiata
Coriander Lust Coriandrum sativum
cosmos Cosmos Peaceful Cosmos sulphureus
crocus Crocus Prevision, Gladness, Cheerfulness Crocus longiflorus
crown-imperial Crown Imperial Powerfulness, Mightiness Fritillaria imperialis
cyclamen Cyclamen Goodbye, Separation Cyclamen persicum
cypress Cypress Mourning, Despair Cupressus sp.
daffodil Daffodil(Jonquil) Chivalry, Unreciprocated love, Sympathy, Please love me Narcissus jonquilla
dahlia Dahlia Dignity, Elegance Dahlia variabilis
daisy Daisy Innocence, Loyal beauty Bellis perennis
dandelion Dandelion Happiness, Faithfulness Taraxacum officinale
daphne Daphne Flower Glory, Fame Daphne mezereum
delphinium Delphinium (Larkspur) Boldness, Ardent attachment, Open hear Delphinium sp.
dew plant Dew Plant Serenade Lampranthus roseus
dog-rose Dog Rose Pleasure Rosa canina
edelweiss Edelweiss Courageous Leontopodium alpinum
eglantine Eglantine (Sweet briar) Spring, Poetry Rosa rubiginosa
elderberry-blossom Elderberry Blossom (Elderflower) Kindness, Humility Sambucus canadensis
endive Endive Frugality Leontopodium alpinum
Eremurus (Foxtail lily or Desert candle) Endurance Eremurus himalaicus
eryngium Eryngium (Blue hobbit, Sea holly)) Austerity, Independence Eryngium bourgatii
Eucalyptus Safeguard, Protection Eucalyptus sp.
eupatorium Eupatorium Late, Delay Eupatorium ligustrinum
Eustoma Calmness, Thoughts Eustoma grandiflorum
Everlasting-Flower Everlasting Flower Remembrances Helichrysum bracteatum
Eyebright (Euphrasia) Cheer up Euphrasia rostkoviana
Fennel Fennel Strength Foeniculum vulgare
Fern Fern Sincerity, Confidence Cyathea, sp., Lygodium sp., Dicksonia sp., etc.
Fig Fig Argument Ficus carica
Filbert Filbert Reconciliation Corylus maxima
fir Fir Evaluation, Time Abies sp.
Flax Flax Symbolizes domesticity and kindness Linum usitatissimum
Flowering-Almond Flowering Almond Hope Prunus japonica, Cerasus japonica
Forget-me-not Forget-me-not True love, Memories, Hope Myosotis sylvatica
Forsythia Forsythia Anticipation Forsythia europaea
Foxglove Foxglove (Digitalis) Insincerity Digitalis purpurea
Frangipani Frangipani Protection, Shelter Plumeria sp.
Freesia Freesia Spirited, Trust Freesia refracta
Fuchsia Fuchsia Good taste, Confiding love Fuchsia magellanica
Furze Furze Anger Ulex densus
Gardenia Gardenia Secret admiration and love Gardenia jasminoides
Gentian Gentian Sweetness Gentiana verna
Gerbera Gerbera Happiness, Cheerfulness Gerbera jamesonii
Geranium Geranium Comfort, Stupidity Pelargonium sp.
Gillyflower Gillyflower Lasting beauty Dianthus sp.
Ginger-Flower Ginger Flower Proud, Majestic Zingiber officinale
Gladiolus Gladiolus Give me a break, Strength of character Gladiolus imbricatus
Gloxinia Gloxinia Love at first sight Sinningia speciosa
Goldenrod Goldenrod (Solidago) Encouragement, Motivation, Good fortune, Success Solidago shortii
Gorse Gorse Love in all seasons Ulex europaeus
grass Grass Submission Cyperus sp., Pennisetum sp., etc
Harlequin Flower Laugh at trouble Corydalis flavula
Hawkweed Quick-sighted Hieracium aurantiacum
Hawthorn Hawthorn Hope Crataegus monogyna
Hazel Hazel Flower Reconciliation Hamamelis sp.
Heather Heather Flower (white) Protection, Wishfulness Phyllodoce sp.
Heather Heather Flower (Pink) Good luck Phyllodoce empetriformis
Heather Heather Flower (Lavender) Solitude, Admiration Phyllodoce sp.
Heliotrope Heliotrope Eternal love Heliotropium peruvianum
Hemlock You will kill me Oenanthe pimpinelloides
Hibiscus Hibiscus Delicate beauty Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Holly Holly Coming of joys Ilex aquifolium
Hollyhock Hollyhock Fruitfulness, Ambition Alcea setosa
Honeysuckle Honeysuckle Devoted love, Generous Lonicera sp.
Hop Hop Injustice Humulus lupulus
Houseleek Houseleek Domestic Economy Sempervivum tectorum
Hyacinth Hyacinth (Blue) Constancy Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hyacinth Hyacinth (General) Games, Sports Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hyacinth Hyacinth (Purple) Forgive me Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hyacinth Hyacinth (Pink, Red) Play Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hyacinth Hyacinth (White) Loveliness Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hyacinth (Yellow) Jealousness Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus sp.
Hydrangea Hydrangea (Snowball Flower) Frigidity, Vanity, Heavenly thoughts Hydrangea macrophylla
Iceplant Iceplant Rejection Carpobrotus edulis
Ipomoea Ipomoea I belong to thee Ipomoea purpurea
Iris Iris Faith, Thank you for your friendship Iris sanguinea
Ivy Ivy Friendship, Fidelity Hedera helix
Jacobs-Ladder Jacob's Ladder Come down Polemonium foliosissimum, Polemonium vanbruntiae
Jasmine Jasmine(White) Cheerfulness, Good sense of humor Jasminum officinale, Trachelospermum jasminoides
Jasmine Jasmine (Yellow) Modesty Gelsemium sempervirens
Kingcup Kingcup (Marsh Marigold) Wealth, Riches Caltha palustris
Laburnum Laburnum Pensive beauty Laburnum anagyroides
Ladys-Slipper Lady's Slipper Capricious beauty Cypripedium reginae, Cypripedium calceolus
Lady's Tresses Bewitching grace Spiranthes spiralis, Gyrostachys cernua
Laurel Laurel Perseverance, Ambition Kalmia latifolia
Lavender Lavender Acknowledgment, Constancy Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
Lemon-Blossom Lemon Blossom Discretion Citrus limon
Lilac Lilac First love Syringa vulgaris
lily Lily(Calla) Symbolizes magnificent beauty and purity Zantedeschia elliottiana
lily Lily (Casablanca) Celebrations, Happy occasions Lilium sp., Lilium auratum
lily Lily (Day) Flirtation, Coquetry Hemerocallis sp.
Lily (Eucharis) Maiden charms Eucharis amazonica
lily Lily (Orange) Disdain, Hatred, Pride Lilium sp.
lily Lily (Tiger) Pride, Wealth Lilium michiganense, Lilium sp.
lotus Lily (Water) or Lotus Purity, Truth, Mystery, Estranged love Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphaea sp.
lily Lily (White) Virginity, Majesty Lilium candidum
lily Lily (Yellow) Flirtation, Coquetry Lilium sp.
Lily-Of-The-Valley Lily-Of-The-Valley Sweetness, Humility, Purity Convallaria majalis
Lisianthus Lisianthus Calmness Eustoma sp.
lobelia Lobelia Malevolence, Arrogance Lobelia erinus
London Pride (Saxifraga) Frivolity Saxifraga x urbium
Love-in-the-mist Love-In-The-Mist (Nigella) Perplexity, Delicacy Nigella damascena
Lupine Lupine (Lupin) Always happy, Voraciousness Lupinus perennis
Magnolia Magnolia Nobility, Perseverance, Love for nature Magnolia sieboldii, Magnolia x wieseneri
Mallow Mallow Deep in love Malacothamnus davidsonii, Malacothamnus fasciculatus
Maple Maple Retirement, Reserve nature Acer sp.
Marigold Marigold Jealousy, Cruelty, Secret affection Tagetes patula, Tagetes erecta
Marjoram Marjoram Comfort, Blushes Origanum majorana
Marvel-Of-Peru Marvel-Of-Peru (Four o'clock flower) Flame of love Mirabilis jalapa
Mayflower Mayflower (Trailing arbutus) Welcome, Hospitality, The beginning Epigaea repens
Mignonette (Reseda) Deserve Reseda lutea, Reseda odorata
Mimosa Mimosa Exquisite, Sensitivity Mimosa tenuiflora
Mint Mint Suspicion Mentha sp.
Mistletoe Mistletoe Love and affection Viscum album, Phoradendron flavescens
Motherwort Motherwort Secret love Leonurus cardiaca
Moss Rose Confession of love Portulaca grandiflora
Myrtle Myrtle Joy, Love and remembrance Leonurus cardiaca
Narcissus Narcissus Formality, Egotism Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.
Nasturtium Nasturtium Symbolizes patriotism and conquest Tropaeolum majus
Nightshades Nightshades Dark thoughts Solanum dulcamara
Oleander Oleander Beauty and grace Nerium oleander
Orange-Blossom Orange Blossom Innocence, Eternal love Citrus Ă—sinensis, Citrus aurantium
Orange Mock Deceit Philadelphus lewisii
orchid Orchid Long-lasting impression, Beautiful lady Dendrobium sp.
orchid-cattleya Orchid Cattleya Mature charm Cattleya percivaliana
Oxeye Oxeye Daisy Patience Leucanthemum vulgare
Pansy Pansy Thoughtfulness, Modesty Viola x wittrockiana, Viola tricolor hortensis
Palm Palm Leaves Success, Victory Adonidia merrillii, Cycas sp.
Parsley Parsley Festivity Petroselinum crispum
Passion-Flower Passion Flower Holy love, Faith and believe Passiflora pardifolia, Passiflora incarnata, Passiflora edulis
Peach-Blossom Peach Blossom Generosity Prunus persica
Pear-Blossom Pear Blossom Good health, Hope Pyrus communis, Pyrus sp.
Peony Peony Happy Marriage, Happy life Paeonia suffruticosa, Paeonia sp.
Pepper Flower Warm feelings Piper nigrum
Periwinkle Periwinkle (Blue) Beginning of friendship Vinca major L.
periwinkle Periwinkle (White) Delightful memories Catharanthus roseus
Petunia Petunia Resentment, Anger Phlox drummondii, Phlox sp.
Phlox Phlox Sweet dreams, Trying to please you Phlox douglasii
Pine Pine Pity, Hope Pinus pinaster, Pinus sp.
Plum-Blossom Plum Blossom Fidelity, Keeping promises Prunus domestica
Poinsettia Poinsettia Always cheerful Euphorbia pulcherrima
poppy Poppy(General) Imagination, Oblivion Papaver orientale, Papaver sp.
poppy Poppy (Red) Pleasure Papaver rhoeas
poppy Poppy (White) Consolation Stylophorum diphyllum
Poppy Poppy (Yellow) Success, Wealth Eschscholzia californica
primrose Primrose (General) I can't live without you Primula vulgaris
Primrose Primrose (Red) Neglected merit Primula vulgaris
Privet Prohibition, Ban Ligustrum ovalifolium
Pyxie Life is sweet Pyxidanthera brevifolia
Quaking Grass Anger, Agitation Briza maxima
Quamoclit Busybody Ipomoea quamoclit
Queen-Annes-Lace Queen Anne's Lace Fantasy Daucus carota
Quince-Blossom Quince Blossom Enticement Cydonia oblonga
Ragged Robin Ardor, Intense feeling of love Lychnis flos-cuculi
ranunculus Ranunculus Dazzled, Radiant Ranunculus sp.
Raspberry-blossom Raspberry Blossom Regret, Remorse Rubus idaeus
Rhododendron Rhododendron Be cautious Rhododendron ponticum
Rocket Flower Rivalry, Competition Eruca sativa
Rose (Black) Death Rosa sp.
rose-bouquet Rose (Bouquet of full blooms) Gratitude Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Bridal) Happy love Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Bud) Innocent love, Beauty and youth Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Bud orange) Desire, Enthusiasm Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Bud red) Adorable, Lovely Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Bud white) Girlhood Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Burgundy) Unconscious beauty Rosa sp.
 carolina rose Rose (Carolina) Love is dangerous Rosa carolina
Christmas Rose Rose (Christmas) Tranquility and peacefulness Helleborus niger
rose Rose (Dark crimson) Mourning, Despair Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Dark pink) Gratitude, Thank you Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Lavender) Love at first sight Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Light pink) Admiration Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Musk) Capricious beauty Rosa brunonii
rose Rose (Orange, Coral) Desire, Enthusiasm Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Peach) Togetherness, Closing of a deal Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Pink) Love, Gracefulness, Happiness Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Pink & White mixed) I love you still and will always love you Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Red) Symbolizes passionate love Rosa sp.
rose Rose (Red & Yellow mixed) Congratulations, Praise, Happiness Rosa sp.
Rose (Thornless) Love at first sight Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'
rose Rose (White) Purity, Innocence, Secrecy, Humility, Youthfulness Rosa sp.
rose Rose (White on red) Flower Emblem of England, Unity and integrity Rosa sp.
wild rose Rose (Wild) Charming simplicity Rosa acicularis
rose Rose (Yellow) Friendship, Joy, Gladness, Jealousy, Infidelity Rosa sp.
Rosemary Rosemary Loyalty, Remembrances Rosmarinus officinalis
Rue Regret, Disdain Ruta graveolens
saffron Saffron Voluptuousness, Be cautious about excess pleasures Crocus sativus
sage Sage Domestic virtues Salvia officinalis
Sainfoin You confuse me Onobrychis sp.
salvia Salvia Wisdom, I always think of you Salvia splendens
Satin Flower Fascination Sisyrinchium douglasii
Saxifrage Saxifrage Affection Saxifraga cochlearis
Scabious Scabious Unfortunate love, Widowhood Scabiosa columbaria
Sensitive-Plant Sensitive Plant Sensitivity Mimosa pudica
Smilax Smilax Lovely, Constancy Smilax aspera
Snapdragon Snapdragon Gracious lady, Deception Antirrhinum sp.
Snowdrop Snowdrop Friendship in trouble, Consolation, Hope Galanthus nivalis
Spider-Flower Spider Flower (Cleome) Elope with me Cleome hassleriana
Spiderwort Spiderwort Regard, Admiration Tradescantia virginiana
Star-of-Bethlehem Star of Bethlehem Atonement, Satisfaction Ornithogalum arabicum
Statice Statice Remembrance, Sympathy Limonium sp.
Stephanotis Stephanotis (Madagascar Jasmine) Happiness in marriage Stephanotis floribunda
Stock-flower Stock Flower Bonds of affection, Everlasting beauty Matthiola incana
Strawberry-Flower Strawberry Flower Perfect goodness Fragaria ananassa
Sunflower Sunflower Wishes, Loyalty Helianthus annuus
Sweet-Pea-Flower Sweet Pea Flower Departure, Goodbye Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet-william Sweet William Perfection, Grant me one smile Verbena bipinnatifida
Syringa Syringa You shall be happy yet Syringa vulgaris
Tamarisk (Salt Cedar) Crime, Guilty Tamarix gallica
Tansy Tansy Resistance, Neglected Tanacetum vulgare
Tease- Flower Teasel Flower Hatred Dipsacus laciniatus
Thistle Thistle Nobility, Austerity Cirsium vulgare
Thrift (Sea Pinks) Sympathy Armeria maritima
Thyme Thyme Courage and strength Thymus vulgaris
Tuberose Dangerous Polianthes tuberosa
Tulip Tulip (Pink) Caring Tulipa pulchella, Tulipa gesneriana, Tulipa sp.
Tulip Tulip (Purple) Royalty Tulipa pulchella, Tulipa gesneriana, Tulipa sp.
Tulip Tulip (Red) Declaration of love, Believe me Tulipa pulchella, Tulipa gesneriana, Tulipa sp.
Tulip Tulip (White) Forgiveness Tulipa pulchella, Tulipa gesneriana, Tulipa sp.
Tulip Tulip (Yellow) Hopeless love Tulipa pulchella, Tulipa gesneriana, Tulipa sp.
Verbena Verbena (Vervain) Tender, Emotional, You will get your wish, Superstition Verbena brasiliensis
Valerian Valerian An accommodating disposition Centranthus ruber
Veronica-Flower Veronica Flower Fidelity Veronica chamaedrys
Violet (General) Faithfulness, Modesty Viola sp.
Violets Violet (Blue) Faithfulness, Watchfulness Viola sp.
violets Violets (White) Let's take a chance Viola sp.
Virginia-flower Virginia Flower (Dogwood Flower) I cling to you, Longevity Cornus florida
Viscaria Will you dance with me Lychnis viscaria
Wake-Robin Wake Robin Ardor, Zeal Trillium erectum
Wallflower Adversity, Friendship Erysimum sp.
Wisteria Wisteria Poetry, Youth, Steadfast Wisteria frutescens
Witch-Hazel Witch Hazel A spell, Inspiration Hamamelis mollis
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane Misanthropy Aconitum variegatum
woodruff Woodruff Flower (Wild Baby's Breath) Sweet humility Galium odoratum
wormwood Wormwood Absence Artemisia absinthium
Xeranthemum Eternity, Immortality Xeranthemum annuum
yarrow Yarrow Good health Achillea millefolium
Zephyranthes1 Zephyranthes Expectation Zephyranthes grandiflora
Zinnia (Magenta) Long-lasting affection Zinnia elegans, Zinnia sp.
zinnia Zinnia (Mixed) Thoughts of an absent friend Zinnia sp.
zinnia Zinnia (Pink) Lasting affection Zinnia sp.
zinnia Zinnia (Scarlet) Constancy Zinnia sp.
zinnia Zinnia (White) Goodness Zinnia sp.
Zinnia Zinnia (Yellow) Remembrance Zinnia sp.