For a grand gesture, this basket overflowing with gourmet meats and cheeses is a perfect treat! They'll love it as an office gift or for a Christmas celebration. We include salami and sausage, plus assorted cheeses, crackers, and a tapenade for an all-in-one feast!
This gourmet basket includes three assorted salamis/sausages, three varieties of crackers, and five kinds of cheese, plus delectable mustard and a delicious tapenade. Please note that due to local availability, gift basket items may differ from those pictured.
Approximately 14" w x 14" H
As Shown: Flowers will be arranged approximately as shown on the image on our website.
Deluxe: Flowers will be more and larger than shown.
Premium: Premium orders contain more blooms and are designed with even higher-quality flower varieties.
Royal: Impress them with this Royal size of your selected flowers. WOW factor!
Plant or dish garden upgrades feature larger (or more) plants than what is shown on the website and/or will be in a more decorative container.